Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thoughts written down.

Lately,  I have been thinking about my life in general.  I recently graduated in May from college and now I have a degree.  I should feel accomplished for all the work I have put through the years of school.  However, am I really accomplished.  Probably  75 percent of the worlds population attends college today and that is viewed as normal.  I don't want to be viewed as vain, but seriously, over half the world is educated and even witht the degree I got it is still difficult for me to find a job.  I am looking, and applying, but I am truly afraid that I will be stuck at my deadend job five years from now, with a load of student debt and nothing to show for it except a few quick facts that I learned in my college classes.  I am quite sure there are hundreds if not thousands of other college graduates thinking the same thing at this very moment.  College isnt cheap, its pretty expensive and most of that money has to be borrowed.  Not all college students are a part of the 1 percent.  I'm certainly not.  In fact, people probably would consider me a poverty child.  No, I don't come for the ghetto nor did I have an especially hard life, but there have been struggles that my family and I have worked hard to get through.  I grew up on a farm.  Farming in this day and age isn't easy.  Struggles are everywhere in this world and when I think about all the things that go wrong, it depressing.  I would love to think of happier times, but I am beginning to understand that happier times are just covering up all the wrongs things about the world.  Everyday, every hour, every minute something could go wrong and it makes me both scared and wary.  What will become of this world?  I know this post after a year of not posting is depressing to think about, but I promise the next post I have will be more enlightening to everyone who actually takes time to read peoples thoughts and opinions.  Until then, I bid everyone a good evening.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Could this week get any worse?

This week has been crazy and stressful.  Last week I had Pink Eye for the first time in my life.  It went away for a few days and I decided to put my contacts back in.  Well, low and behold, I have pink eye again this week because my stupid contact container (which I did clean) still had the stupid bacteria.  Oh and just to top everything off, I have lost my cell phone and I cannot find it anywhere.  I've looked and looked and determined that it is in a parking lot somewhere or in the girls bathroom at college.  Perhaps some good person took it to the Lost and Found and maybe I can get it back.  Maybe...Spring Break is next week and  I can't wait for a break that I need more than anything right now.  This semester is just not on my good side.  Then again, my classes are alright, it is just my body that wants to screw with me.  I guess its payback for not getting sick last semester. Ugh. Well, I better do some more homework or look around for my phone somemore... ugh.

Well thats all for now.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My obsession with Lifewater

Well, since this is my first post I thought I would start with something simple.  So, I decided to talk about my addiction to drinking Life water.  However, it is not just any Life water that I drink.  I'm the specific type.  Blackberry Grape is my flavor and I can't get enough of it.  Although it contains a lot of sugar, Life water is much better for you that soda.  I used to be addicted to soda, particularly Mountain Dew.  But one day I decided that I was going to quit and after a two week caffeine headache I got over my soda cravings.  I am so happy I did. I'll occasionally have a soda every now and then, but it doesn't taste good to me anymore.  I am proud to say that I have stopped drinking soda for over two years now.  However, I need to lessen my addiction to Life water and just start drinking water or something that doesn't have the much sugar because it could potentially be bad for me if I continue down this path.  So that one of my goals in life at the moment.

What are your goals? 

Well that is all for now.  Hopefully next time I have something remotely more interesting to talk about.