Thursday, March 3, 2011

My obsession with Lifewater

Well, since this is my first post I thought I would start with something simple.  So, I decided to talk about my addiction to drinking Life water.  However, it is not just any Life water that I drink.  I'm the specific type.  Blackberry Grape is my flavor and I can't get enough of it.  Although it contains a lot of sugar, Life water is much better for you that soda.  I used to be addicted to soda, particularly Mountain Dew.  But one day I decided that I was going to quit and after a two week caffeine headache I got over my soda cravings.  I am so happy I did. I'll occasionally have a soda every now and then, but it doesn't taste good to me anymore.  I am proud to say that I have stopped drinking soda for over two years now.  However, I need to lessen my addiction to Life water and just start drinking water or something that doesn't have the much sugar because it could potentially be bad for me if I continue down this path.  So that one of my goals in life at the moment.

What are your goals? 

Well that is all for now.  Hopefully next time I have something remotely more interesting to talk about.

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