Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Could this week get any worse?

This week has been crazy and stressful.  Last week I had Pink Eye for the first time in my life.  It went away for a few days and I decided to put my contacts back in.  Well, low and behold, I have pink eye again this week because my stupid contact container (which I did clean) still had the stupid bacteria.  Oh and just to top everything off, I have lost my cell phone and I cannot find it anywhere.  I've looked and looked and determined that it is in a parking lot somewhere or in the girls bathroom at college.  Perhaps some good person took it to the Lost and Found and maybe I can get it back.  Maybe...Spring Break is next week and  I can't wait for a break that I need more than anything right now.  This semester is just not on my good side.  Then again, my classes are alright, it is just my body that wants to screw with me.  I guess its payback for not getting sick last semester. Ugh. Well, I better do some more homework or look around for my phone somemore... ugh.

Well thats all for now.

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